Dashboard – Improve business intelligence and action planning. For sustained growth in a turbulent economy, companies can improve by changing the way they get input from customers and stakeholders. The dashboard provides useful, future oriented information that is customized for your business.
Performance Driving – No better way to discover how to work with your learning style and leadership style than to open up the throttle of a performance sports car. Each student gets a certified instruction session in a safe environment. Our post-session workshop gives you feedback that connects to your specific business challenges.
The Retreat – Have a great staff but need to work together differently and more creatively? The retreat helps execs find hidden talent in their teams and find new answers for their specific business challenges.
Pattern Breakthrough – A breakout session delivered at your offices or offsite. Pattern breakthrough shows how an exec can shift limiting patterns that have developed with customers, peers, managers and/or staff. This session never fails to free up significant dollars for an organization.
Questions For Growth – A session that will get your team thinking like never before. All good business results are achieved by asking the right question at the start. Many times, teams come up with the right answer but have been working on the “wrong” question. We will work with the team through to come up with the right questions. This will lead them to the best answers and the most effective actions.