Hawkins Leadership Strategies

The Most Effective Methods To Grow Your Business 



Roll over the All-Club page above for links to registration and more info.


All-Club Renaissance Run - Online Registration

Cost per Participant:  $300.  Includes Saturday, Sunday Track Sessions and Saturday Evening Food   Beverages and Events.  Plus, Free pre-event Tech Inspection.  (SeeTech Sheet) 

Spectators and Renaissance Festival only. (Not Driving) $30 

Fill in the form below and click submit when finished.

Checks must be received by 9/1/2009 to confirm registration.

Credit card information will be processed by phone.  We will call back to confirm.

Make checks payable to:  Hawkins Leadership Strategies, LLC

Mailing address:  2245 Lamberton Road
                       Cleveland Heights, OH 44118

Phone:  216-407-1339