Hawkins Leadership Strategies

The Most Effective Methods To Grow Your Business 



Roll over the All-Club page above for links to registration and more info.


Frequently Asked Questions


First time to track questions and answers:

Is my car okay?   Is this safe?  

Most vehicles are safe.  We inspect all vehicles at the track, but it is the owner’s responsibility to make sure the car arrives in safe and sound operating condition.  A tech sheet is attached in the info package.  Take this to a qualified professional and have them inspect the items listed and you should have no problems when you arrive.  As a courtesy to our participants you may schedule a FREE tech inspection at Fred Baker Porsche/Audi.  Note you must schedule this in advance.  The inspection will take about 30 minutes.  This is not limited to Porsche/Audi owners.

What about insurance?
Check the exclusions section of your auto insurance policy.  This event is educational and not a competition.  There are no prizes or awards for driving.  There is no racing or race simulation.

Will I get instruction? 
Yes.  In the classroom and on the track.

What should I bring?
See the info package for a suggested list.



$300 per partiicpant.  This includes all Saturday and Sunday track sessions and food/beverages and events Saturday evening.  Plus free pre-event Tech Inspection.  (See Tech Sheet)


Event Schedule

Schedule is based on number and experience level of participants.  We will limit registration to ensure maximum track time for all participants.  We are anticipating a sold out event and will email final drafts of the run schedule the week prior.  Our goal is to have a ratio of the most track time per dollar of any similar type events. 

We also have activities scheduled in between run groups and Saturday evening.  Join the Renaissance fun in the new Festival Paddock Tent - Valhalla.



I have a cabriolet (convertible) is that okay?
Yes, Boxster, M3 etc are okay with OEM rollbar or full rollcage.  See safety requirements.

My car is not registered with a club, am I allowed to participate? 
Yes.  The only requirement is safety.  We encourage any "badges" to participate.  The spirit of the event is to get to see many different types of vehicles and meet owners who share passion for driving their cars.